School Bus Safety

Schools will look different this year, with some students returning to the classroom and others learning from home. After a long absence, school buses will soon resume their routes – and provide a sense of the familiar as families adjust to a “new normal.”

Whether they’re at the bus stop or on board, these safety tips can help ensure our community’s students get to school – and back home – safely.

Sharing the Road

Keep these rules in mind:

  • Watch for children gathered at bus stops or walking to them. Be especially careful around younger students who may be playing or distracted.
  • Obey the speed limit in school zones.
  • NEVER pass a stopped school bus when it is picking up or dropping off passengers. This applies to drivers approaching from either direction.
  • Remember that yellow flashing lights indicate that a bus is preparing to stop – and that you should do the same.
  • Stop when you see red flashing lights and extended STOP arms, and don’t resume driving until the bus starts driving again.
  • Watch for bus riders crossing the street after disembarking.

Keeping Kids Safe

In addition to wearing their face masks, remind children to do the following:

  • Wait for the bus at least three big steps (about 6 feet) away from the curb/street.
  • Stay alert, especially when waiting near busy streets.
  • Wait until the bus stops completely, and the driver says it’s safe to board.
  • NEVER walk behind a bus. If you must cross the street, do it at least five big steps (around 10 feet) in front of the bus and let the bus driver know first.

West Law Firm is proud to serve Berkeley County residents and families across the Lowcountry, working hard on behalf of our friends and neighbors. To learn more about our team or to schedule a free consultation, call 843-761-5626 or click here.

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