Step-by-Step Guide to Pedestrian Safety

Walking may seem like a relaxing, healthy pastime – but it’s not without its dangers. A leisurely stroll around the block could result in dangerous pedestrian accident, proving that two feet are no match for four wheels.

According to one report released in 2019, South Carolina ranks in the top ten on a national list of pedestrian fatalities. Over 1,100 pedestrians lost their lives between 2008 and 2017, with a rise in distracted driving likely to blame for the increase in recent years.

Preventing pedestrian accidents takes effort from drivers and walkers, and the injury attorneys at West Law Firm are committed to doing their part – starting with providing these tips for staying safe in Berkeley County, SC!

Safety Tips for Drivers

  • Slow down in pedestrian areas.

Use extra caution when driving near crosswalks, in densely-populated neighborhoods or in busy areas where shoppers and diners crowd the sidewalks. Walkers can cross your path unexpectedly, and maintaining a slow speed gives you more time to react.

  • Look for eye contact.

Give people on foot the go-ahead with eye contact so they know it’s safe to cross the street.

  • Obey school zone rules.

Slow down to the designated speed in school zones and remain extra vigilant for children crossing. If a crossing guard is present, be sure to follow their instructions. Also, observe school bus stop signs and never pass a bus with students getting on or off.

  • Consider the forecast.

Some pedestrians must brave the elements to get where they need to go, but poor visibility makes their journey even more arduous. Be extra careful when driving in inclement weather.

  • Never drive while distracted or under the influence.

This should go without saying, but impaired or distracted drivers are a danger to everyone on the road – and those crossing it. Impaired and distracted drivers have a reduced reaction time, and when seconds count, a near-miss can easily become a fatal accident.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

  • Only cross in designated crossing areas.

Whenever possible, take advantage of crosswalks where drivers are more likely to spot you.

  • Never assume a driver sees you or will stop.

Even when you have the right of way, wait until a car has stopped before crossing in front of it.

  • Look around stopped cars.

Just because one driver sees you doesn’t mean that the one behind them does. The vehicle behind a stopped car may swerve around it, not seeing you until it’s too late.

  • If you must stop on the shoulder, move as far from traffic as possible.

Many serious accidents happen when drivers stop on the side of the road. Move your vehicle as far from the flow of traffic as possible and wait for help in a safe place away from the road.

If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident in Berkeley County, contact West Law Firm today. Our experienced team based in Moncks Corner, SC puts your safety first, so call 843-761-5626 or click here to schedule a free consultation!


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